Do Nothing: 60 Minutes and 60 Miles From Home
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13 December 2012
By Lee Walton
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Using Facebook (2010), I asked people to pick a number between 1-360 as a strategy to locate an undetermined spot 60 miles from my home. At this spot, I would sit a do nothing for 60 minutes. Below is the original "Thank You Note" to Facebook participants.


Greetings All,

Thanks for all of the numbers (1-360) that you submitted to me through Facebook.  Obviously, these numbers were meaningful to you.  This is much appreciated.

This morning, I will have some coffee and do some number crunching.  I will find the average number (between 1-360) that you all submitted to me.  I will then use this number to determine a location exactly 60 miles from my home in Greensboro, NC.

Next, I will finish my coffee, freshen up a bit and get in the car.  I will drive to the location and get out of my car.  I will then walk to the exact location determined by the map.

When I have arrived, I will simply sit for one hour.

Documentation is optional, but not necessary.  This is the least of my concerns.



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